When I get a bee in my bonnet about something, I cannot sit still and have to keep searching and reading until I fall flat on my face through exhaustion and stress! God sits quietly waiting for me - 'Be still and know that I am God'! (Psalm 46:10) '"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28). I do remember to ask God, but I forget to sit and listen to His answer!
So when I fall on my face and go quiet, God very gently answers me! I was sitting by my plants a couple of weeks ago. And God said, If you are a good steward of what I give you it will grow! He used my plants to teach me a lesson about stewardship in my home and in my homeschool. He said be a good steward of your relationship with Me! Be a good steward of your relationship with your husband! Be a good steward of your relationship with your children! I asked Him what that looked like in our homeschool...He said..Me first! Relationship with Husband and children next! Then the 3 R's! Then whatever they are passionate about! I was shocked! Was it really that simple!
So I used our holidays to look at that...and it really is that simple!
1) God first! Our choice for Bible is our Konos curriculum. This term we are focusing on Stewardship! Stewardship of our talents and possessions. We need to use all that God has given us for His glory!

We will be reading about Joni Eareckson and how she uses her talents for Gods glory even though she was injured and is now a quadriplegic.
We will read about five men who went to reach the Huaroni tribe of eastern Ecuador. these men were killed by the tribe! It is written by one of the widows who worked as a missionary in Ecuador despite the death of her husband.

We will also read about Bach and how he used his talents to glorify God.

During this exploration the kids will be led on a bible investigation about stewardship of our talents. They will also have the opportunity to explore their own God given talents and think about how they can use them.
2) Then we will spend time as a family. We will learn to manage our home better, we will play and laugh together. We will just enjoy each other!
3) Then it will be the 3R's!
All In One Homeschool (FREE) - reading.
I have ordered the McGuffey Primer that this website uses. Avril is very excited that when she learns to read these pages, she can read a bedtime story to daddy!
Maths - MEP - Year 1 (FREE).
LLATL Orange - Language Arts
Maths - All in One Homeschool Year 3 (FREE).
LLATL Purple - Language Arts
4) Their interests! This was scary for me! I like to be organised and I wasn't sure how this would go! But I have been listening!
This is just what has come up over the holidays. I wonder which ones we will pursue and what else they will want to know! It really is very exciting!!
Geography - an adventure with the family. Damon will direct us all in creating a travel magazine of a chosen country. We will also indulge in culinary delights typical of the region.
Sewing.What is a liver?
Reenact living in the 1930's.
Writing ballet stories together.
Reading about May Gibbs.
All about frogs, butterflies and worms. How to attract frogs to your yard?Go on nature walks and sketch.
Find treasures on nature walks to bring home and sketch.
Write stories with mums help.
From now on we will let God lead. From now on we will be on the adventure together. We will all learn from one another and enjoy each other more. Our journey of learning will have input from us all, but most importantly God will come first!