Avril will also be a less casual homeschooler this year as she picks up some of her own work and joins her sister in some unit studies.
This will be our third year homeschooling. I couldn't imagine it any other way. I love that my children are at home learning and that I am part of that adventure. I love that I am at their excursions and activities, also that I can pick and choose what these experiences are. I love that when they make a new friend, we all do! Homeschooling is a really great lifestyle for us :)
I have today purchased this years books and wanted to share my plan for 2013:
Avril 5 years old (very soon 6):
Maths - Math U See Primer
Language Arts and Phonics - Learning Language Arts Through Literature (blue)
Charcter Studies/ PDHPE: A Childs' Book of Character Building

Adele 9 years old:
Maths - Math U See BETA and GAMMA
Language Arts - Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Orange Book)

PDHPE/Character Studies - The Young Peacemaker

The girls together -
Konos Volume 1 - 2 years of Unit Study for Kindergarten to year 8, Bible and Character focused. (There are three Volumes)

Pearables Home Economics for Homeschoolers - Cooking, hospitality, sewing, Home duties.

Damon 12 years Old:
Math U See - Gamma and Delta
Language Arts: Language Lessons from Australian History Book 3
Konos Volume 1 Unit Studies

Around the World in 180 Days - Geography and History of the World (plus Damon is going to add some cooking adventures).

Character/PDHPE - Boyhood and Beyond

Other Language - Rosetta Stone Greek level 1

Damon will be doing a unit on careers (future),so I have purchased this book for him to read - Career Ideas For kids who like Animals and Nature. (There are other books in this series for other careers)

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