God wants us to spend time with Him. We just need to respond.
Even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray! And this is how He responded!
This gives us a framework for what to pray about - To address our father, pray for God's will, to present your requests, Glorify God, Ask for forgiveness, Ask for protection. God cares about the BIG things and the small things!

Pray in belief and faith for ALL things! Pray from your heart. Pray humbly. Pray alone and pray with others.

Be persistent in prayer, pray with confidence, approach His throne of grace.
Prayer doesn't need to be complicated, just pray simply from your heart! Be authentic...pray how you are feeling, pray in the Spirit.
Pray before all that you do! Pray as you wake, before school, going out or important meeting, pray before meals...there are many! Pray 1st!
End prayer with In Jesus Name! There is power in ending your prayer as Jesus instructed.

Yesterday at church they shared this acronym of prayer and it really was encouraging to me, so I wanted to share it :)
Prayer Acronym
Praise God (eyes off self and onto God)
Repent (sorry)
Yield (letting go and surrendering to God's will)
Enjoy God (listen, explore, Stop)
Respond (Thanks for direction, enjoy His presence)
If you have never committed your life to Christ or would like to renew your relationship with Him, you can say this prayer below to Him now, from your heart.

I would encourage you to connect in with a local Christian Church so they can encourage you in your walk with God.
God Bless You
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