Our Week:
Josef, Damon and I decided to take some time outside to enjoy the autumn sunshine. Josef decided to be a fireman, wearing a helmet, he drove his truck around the yard.
Damon and I played soccer.
The girls continue to love their How Great Thou Art, art programs.
Below are some of Avril's drawings...
Adele continues on with learning about colour...primary and secondary colours.
Adele continued writing her magazine about germs this week. She has really thought about how a magazine is put together and how to make the advertisements eye catching.
We joined our friends again this week for book club. The kids read books together.
Josef played ball!!
This week the girls enjoyed a sleepover with some of our home schooling friends.
Here is their shelter for the night!!!
Breakfast - French toast with berries and maple syrup.

Nice bed hair girls!!!
That's better!!! The girls spent time outside creating their own tea party...mud pies anyone???
Then it was time for our beach excursion to make sand turtles for a Wilderness Society poster.
We also had plenty of time to explore the rock pools ....
And swim...surprisingly a week before winter it was mild enough for the kids to take a dip!!! FULLY CLOTHED!!!
Until one stripped off!!!
And then some very cold girls decided to dig in the sand again!!!
Back at home during the week the girls decided to gather interesting objects from outside to do some playdough sculpting.
And here are the masterpieces!!!

The girls spent ages using natural objects as people living in their playdough creations.
Josef had some fun blowing some bubbles...
We also had fun doing oil pastel pictures on newspaper...
Even amongst all of that fun, Adele still had the basics to do...math!!!
Not for Josef...he had some dress-up fun!!
Avril had a go with the oil pastels this week and came up with this masterpiece!!
As we continued our theme of France, the girls coloured in and cut out a miniature scene of Paris.
This week we have been following a Whole Food Diet from
www.thebettermum.com. We are following her fortnightly menu plan, as I learn how to eat using real food. I have found this plan easy and very tasty, even my kids love 99% of this good food!! That is a winner for me!
Here are the girls drinking breakfast smoothies...
Adele learned how to make her bed properly this week. Then she surprised me by making her bed really neat!! I was impressed!!
But then came along Josef who decided that teddies were for throwing!! Oh no!
Again this week we headed to gymnastics. This has been a wonderful activity for them.