This week has been very busy!! But we still made time to get some activities done :)
Adele has continued with her art journal, except that I think I should have let it go this week as due to tiredness, it was quite a half effort :) Oh well there is always next week!
Adele continued her research into Wisconsin... for her Little House In The Big Woods Project.
Avril decided to make her creation 'Fruit Smash'. She chooses her favourite fruits and smashes them together in a bowl!
Then they spent ages creating pictures with matchsticks.
This are Josef's cars..
The building continued with candy land creations!!
I was really impressed with Avril when she presented me with her creation this is a horse!! The leaf is the tail.
Avril continued with her reading and writing practice. She likes to underline all the letters she writes, so Daddy will know which is my example and which are hers :)
She is doing so well!!
Here is some of her maths from MEP ..
And Adele making out she is not playing with her Paddle Pop people whilst doing math!!
They have been building cubby houses..big and small!!
This week one of our outings was to the local art gallery where Avril has begun Art workshops whilst Adele is doing Italian.
Josef thought it was fun to check out the art sculpture!! And below is one of the collages Avril created!
This week the girls also returned to horse riding!! And we are loving it so much! We have smaller classes this term and the girls are learning so much :)
Teaching the girls how to walk safely around a horse when grooming...
Grooming the horse...
Mounting the horse...
Adjusting the stirrups...
Sitting straight...
Holding our reins...
Building confidence...
Controlling the horse...
Learning balance and confidence..
Then it was the big girls turn..
Lined up for exercises...
Around the World we go!!
On your marks...
And we have a winner!!!
Off we go...
Balancing and confidence building...
Are we trotting, no stirrups and no reins!!
Grooming down...
The other kids weren't left out, they played on the rocks, in the toy car, but their favourite bit was the water pond!!!
It was a hot day...but a great day also!!
After riding we headed to a local historical court house... here is Josef holding a book mark with a part of a picture to seek!! And he seeked it with no trouble!! I was impressed!
The kids got to put a parent on trial. As well as get locked in the old jail cell!! They had a lot of fun.
Josef loves his Big brother so much. I love seeing them interact like this...
Snuggling and resting!!
After a busy week we were left with Saturday to do some Little House activities...
Wagon making...
I asked Josef to go and get me some farm animals. he returned with Pokemon, dinosaurs and a Kookaburra to pull our wagons!!! :)
But as you can see the girls snuck off and brought back a horse and a donkey..
Guess whose? Josef had to have lots of marshmallows, biscuits and lollies!! I think it was after he heard me say we could eat them after!! lol
Avril and Adele decided that making S'mores out of them would be yummy!!
The girls ate their s'mores and then decided Pita Pizzas would be nice for lunch, so as I had left it too late to make quiche, we made pizzas.
After lunch the girls followed online instructions to create corn husk dolls. They were so excited about this project!
The finished project..
It was too hot to keep creating, so the kids ran outside under the sprinkler...
But as it cooled down and Derek started the BBQ, we thought it was the perfect time to start our potato planting..
I didn't have a bucket but I did have an old sink, so we propped this up on bricks.
The kids gathered stones to use in the sink to help the water escape but not clog up.
Daddy came over to help as he is the gardener in our family!! :) Thanks derek!
Then it was time for potting mix...

Then we gathered our sprouting potatoes..
The kids then made little signs to show whose potato garden it is :)
Another very busy but productive week!!