Friday 5 August 2011

A very sunny and warm winters day!! 24 C crazy!!

We have been surprised with unseasonally warm weather. I was always look to August as the coldest month of winter, but it seems not so this year!! I think spring is coming very early. And it is beautiful.

We have spent everyday this week outside enjoying the sun. It has been glorious. This morning dd4 and I read her bible story outside eating ice blocks. Then we rebuilt her tent and reenacted it using her toys. She was reenacting the story of the 3 visitors to Abraham. The story where Abraham was told he was to have a son and name him Isaac. We had lots of fun with this. And Avril was determined that even though Isaac wasn't born, he had to join us at the picnic, even if it had to be in Sarahs tummy. Then sarah announced "Get up everyone today is the day when my baby will arrive", and they took off in a red convertable!!! LOL

The two older kids had a photography excursion at Walka water works. It was glorious sunshine so we let the kids go off and do their thing, whilst we played on swings and caught up with other homeschoolers.

It was funny when we took off to feed he ducks because the goose thought he would bully us out of our bread. He came at us with his beak in the air and making all kinds of noises!!! And I have to say his bullying worked!! We were scared, especially with the littlies!!! We freaked and in our haste to gather the kiddies, threw all of our bread at him to keep him away! It was a very funny sight!! Squealing mums and kids looking confused, soon to catch on that they should be afraid!! Such great examples we were!!

They also had an echo pipe there, which the kids thought was great fun!! My ds 1 stood there squeaking at the pipe and thought he was really clever.During this time ds10 had discovered some galahs and was quietly creeping forward and snapping them for his photgraphy project :) He is our nature photographer!!

We have ended the afternoon with Thomas the Tank Engine and Charlie and Lola!! Plus some very yummy chocolate milk pancakes (thankyou big kids!!). And now all that is left is dinner and then off to home group.

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