Friday 19 August 2011

What a very, very busy weekend!!!

We started our saturday by travelling to watch Damon play soccer. Now i don't go every week like I used to. In the beginning of the season I felt guilty about this, but now I don't. The other three kids don't follow soccer so it has been easier to stay home, instead of chase them around at soccer. Josef has decided that it is alwyas fun to try to join in the game and then watch Mummy chase him out on the field!! lol. Josef loves balls and has a great kick already!!

So this week we headed out and they played wonderfully, with Damon scoring the winning goal! Go damon!! Josef did try to join the action (as predicted!!) and it wasn't just Josef that loved watching mum run out into the field, but daddy as well :). The girls spent their time building a camp site for their barbies. Josef thought it was fun to try to dismantle their wood pile for their fire!! Adele spent time also preparing a clover bouquet for her barbie.

After watching this game. my husband decided it would be nice to enjoy the sunshine at the park for lunch. So off we chugged to the park for a play and hot chips.And the kis loved climbing all over the play equipment. As spring is fast approaching there are lots of magpies around. The kids delighted in sharing their chips with these hungry characters. They were not too interested in bread, not whilst there are chips around anyhow!! A bit like me I think!! Yum!!

Then to further enjoy the sunshine we headed to another park to catch up with some friends. This was very relaxing and enjoyable :) Thankfully Belinda brought some thermos milo and an iced bun...yum!!

Then we collapsed at home after at day spent playing!!

The next day we headed to Nannies after church. The girls brought their barbies for more photo shoots in a new location :) Damon brought his football and also spent time searching for wildlife and special plants. Josef explored.

The kids enjoyed helping nanny with dinner. Their nanny introduced them to new fragrances from her herb garden - lemon thyme and sage for the roast chicken. All of the kids helped prepare the chicken and slice the vegies. This was a very special time in Nanny's kitchen :) Which was followed by a warm late winters walk.

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